Dahlia Maldonado
May 2021
4 North Wing
Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center
Santa Monica
United States
Dahlia ordered food for her patient's families when they've been in the hospital for an extended period of time and are sick of eating from the cafeteria.
There are so many stories I could share that reflect how Dahlia creates meaningful change every day, but I will share a few of my favorites to illustrate her passion and dedication for this profession over her last 3 years as a nurse. As a new grad, Dahlia witnessed a car versus motorcycle accident on her way to work. She stopped to provide aid and waited until the fire fighters arrived to transport the motorcyclist and then went to work to complete a full shift. Throughout her time as a nurse she has gone above and beyond to provide small acts of kindness for her patients. She's gone on her day off to visit a patient and bought the patient nail polish to make the patient feel more at home.
Since she works at night, sometimes the patients don't get to eat food they like, but she'll go out of her way to call other floors and find supplies to make them a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or bring them something from the vending machine if the cafeteria is closed. She's ordered food for her patient's families when they've been in the hospital for an extended period of time and are sick of eating from the cafeteria. She will always try to find a way to brighten up a patient's day. I've been in awe of her most recent actions because it reflects who she is as a person.
Early this year when she was trying on wedding dresses, she heard there was an accident in the front of the store. She jumped into nurse mode to help a pedestrian that had been hit by a car in front of the bridal store without hesitation even though she was still wearing the wedding dress she was trying on. During this Covid-19 crisis, her unit was one of the ones that took in those patients but knowing her character she would've volunteered to help these patients without being asked. She also continues to support and mentor future nurses.
Most recently, Dahlia has sponsored a scholarship for a college for the 4th year in a row. She has managed to stay positive during this difficult time and continues to be a great role model. There is so much that she does for everyone around her, especially her patients, and does it with a humble heart. She does not ask for recognition but surely deserves it because she is an excellent example of what UCLA nursing is all about, healing humankind one patient at a time.
Since she works at night, sometimes the patients don't get to eat food they like, but she'll go out of her way to call other floors and find supplies to make them a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or bring them something from the vending machine if the cafeteria is closed. She's ordered food for her patient's families when they've been in the hospital for an extended period of time and are sick of eating from the cafeteria. She will always try to find a way to brighten up a patient's day. I've been in awe of her most recent actions because it reflects who she is as a person.
Early this year when she was trying on wedding dresses, she heard there was an accident in the front of the store. She jumped into nurse mode to help a pedestrian that had been hit by a car in front of the bridal store without hesitation even though she was still wearing the wedding dress she was trying on. During this Covid-19 crisis, her unit was one of the ones that took in those patients but knowing her character she would've volunteered to help these patients without being asked. She also continues to support and mentor future nurses.
Most recently, Dahlia has sponsored a scholarship for a college for the 4th year in a row. She has managed to stay positive during this difficult time and continues to be a great role model. There is so much that she does for everyone around her, especially her patients, and does it with a humble heart. She does not ask for recognition but surely deserves it because she is an excellent example of what UCLA nursing is all about, healing humankind one patient at a time.