Sara Lipsey
November 2015
Labor & Delivery
Mercy Hospital
United States




Sara was the best labor coach by far - she made my delivery extremely easy! It was after my delivery that her instincts just knew something was wrong with my baby. He was born not crying at first, his Apgar scores were 5/8. The NICU nurse was there and suctioned him, and then she went back to NICU and Sara stayed with me and my baby.

Sara kept saying something wasn't right and she felt my baby needed to be in the NICU, even though no one else thought so. She stayed with us even when I went to my room after delivery, continually checking on me and my son. I believe she went way beyond her duty until finally my baby was transferred to the NICU and put on a ventilator. He had to stay on the ventilator for 24 hours and had seven days of antibiotics. I believe she saved my baby's life.

I found out later that at the end of her shift, Sara had gathered a few of the nurses together and they prayed for my baby. Because of her, I will always deliver at Mercy. Even though we faced this situation that we completely did not expect, Sara made everything understandable for us and in the end it turned out well.

We are so very thankful to Sara for her nursing care, her prayers, and her wonderful instincts.