Valerie Yeo
May 2021
Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center
Santa Monica
United States
Valerie masterfully exemplifies three cornerstone characteristics that every nurse and every nurse leader should have: Altruism, curiosity, and empathy.
Whenever I think of the epitome of a true leader, one whose ethos exudes what it means to be a leader, I think of our amazing unit director Valerie Yeo. She frequently offers her advice and expertise. She always says, ‘there is no such thing as a stupid question. Ask me anything at any time." Valerie masterfully exemplifies three cornerstone characteristics that every nurse and every nurse leader should have: Altruism, curiosity, and empathy. Her leadership style is infectious, and as a result, 5NW has the best teamwork in the entire health system.
There are many examples of Valerie going above and beyond. One specific instance especially highlights why Valerie is an amazing leader. During one of my first shifts off of orientation, I called a rapid response on my patient. I remember standing there, clinching the telephone, thinking, "now what?" Valerie was sitting in her office and immediately ran from her office, placed on gloves, and assisted during the rapid response without hesitation. Valerie guided me through that rapid response and was instrumental in building my nursing confidence and voice. Thank you, Valerie, for pushing all of us on our unit to reach higher and strive for greatness in everything that we touch. You have made such an impact on all of us.
There are many examples of Valerie going above and beyond. One specific instance especially highlights why Valerie is an amazing leader. During one of my first shifts off of orientation, I called a rapid response on my patient. I remember standing there, clinching the telephone, thinking, "now what?" Valerie was sitting in her office and immediately ran from her office, placed on gloves, and assisted during the rapid response without hesitation. Valerie guided me through that rapid response and was instrumental in building my nursing confidence and voice. Thank you, Valerie, for pushing all of us on our unit to reach higher and strive for greatness in everything that we touch. You have made such an impact on all of us.