Al Bonds
September 2017
Children's of Alabama
United States




Our entire family was involved in a devastating accident in Huntsville. Our daughter received injuries far worse than any other family member. After four days in PICU in Huntsville, she was transferred to Children's. She spent 37 days with numerous surgeries, procedures, and medications. She was moved to the GI floor at one point and that is where we encountered Al.
Al immediately put my daughter at ease with his "cow jokes" and nonstop humor. He connected with her telling her about his own daughter and her medical condition. He shared about his decision to start a second career as a nurse based on part of his daughter and a special dream he had. He was sensitive to the fact that our daughter had a great deal of anxiety and he went above and beyond to answer her many questions about the side effects of all meds that he administered and took the time to listen to her questions.
My daughter became very knowledgeable about her own care because Al would quiz her on her IV meds; what is this one for? How long does it run? He bragged on her and told her numerous times she could be a nurse. My daughter is now actually considering nursing as one of her future career paths. He also put us parents to ease with his humor and concern for our comfort. We are truly thankful for Al.