Amanda Colter
July 2018
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
St. Louis
United States




Amanda has gone above and beyond to provide extraordinary care to a patient and family during a very scary and challenging time in their life. The patient had spent many days in the PICU before it was decided that a tracheostomy was the best option for this patient. Amanda was the RN providing care the day that the family was told a tracheostomy would be the best option and as any parent would, this patient's mother had a wave of emotions during this time. Amanda was extremely supportive of the patient's mother and said, "I will be here tomorrow and I will help you get through this". As the patient would be having the operation the next day. Amanda had this patient a few days after this big change and was there to advocate for her and her needs. Amanda was very good to explain (and even show the patient on a medical play doll) anything she was going to do before she did it. I really believe that Amanda's exceptional care made a huge difference in this patient's experience.