Angela Rosenthal
September 2018
Winter Haven Hospital
Winter Haven
United States




Angela is so caring and compassionate, she excels in her clinical skills and she always does extraordinary things for our patients. Just recently we had a very dear patient whom we all had become really close to. The patient and his wife had touched all of our lives and our whole team had touched them as well. Mr. P had fought long and hard to beat his cancer, but he was running out of time, we all knew the end was very near.
Mr. P's children had been called but it would take some time before they could get here since they lived out of state. All of Street 4's team kept a close watch on Mr. P and his wife, they all were so supportive. Angela did not want Mrs. P to be alone during this time. After Angela finished her shift, she went home, packed a bag and came back. She spent the day and night with them until their children arrived.
It is nurses like this that make such a difference in our patients' lives.