Ariel DeLeon
December 2015
Doctors Hospital
Coral Gables
United States




When we, as family, questioned our mother's condition, all of the healthcare professionals said she was reacting to the anesthesia used for surgery. Maybe so, but to her family something was wrong and we were very concerned. The only thing that finally made her respond was nurse Ariel's singing. My sister and I heard him humming a Christian song in the halls the previous day so I simply made a comment about his voice. He told me that he loves to sing, but wasn't sure if it was appropriate around the patients. I told him my mom loved music so whenever he felt like it he could sing to her. Instantly, he walked in and belted out a song. She responded for the first time by looking in his direction. Every time he rounded with her he sang a little song while he gave care. After a day and a half of not speaking or really responding the first words she uttered was the completion of the song "yes Jesus loves me". He was singing it to her and stopped short of completing the phrase "Yes, Jesus loves me for the Bible…" breathily she completed with "tells me so". There is no healing without a level of faith. Therefore, I thank God for the people of faith he placed with us during the time my mother needed healthcare.