Ashley Daniels
April 2017
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Little Rock
United States




Ashley Daniels has exceeded the expectations that I value to be a great nurse. She was my nurse when I was a student, and she taught me so much and made me feel at home in the NICU unit. Ashley gave me advice and truly taught me how to value my job when I graduated and how to be an amazing nurse. She answered every question I asked thoroughly and even taught me the protocols for every procedure she performed.
Going into the NICU I was unsure if I would like it, but when I was coming out of the clinical day I was sad to leave because I loved it so much. Ashley taught me that day how to love nursing and love where I work. She exceeded my expectations of that clinical day and left such a huge impact on my life while giving a true aspect as to why I want to be a nurse. I can only hope that one day I can be as great and compassionate of a nurse as she showed me how to be. Ashley was truly fabulous and thanks to her, I fell in love with the NICU at ACH.