Brian Lehr
September 2017
Home Health
United States




Brian is our wound care specialist and services all of Western NC, however, he was able to schedule time with this sweet lady for nail care. She said she hasn't let anyone touch her feet in 10+ years because they are so painful. Brian was so patient and gentle, and she was shocked that he was able to perform care without inflicting pain. I can say for myself that Brian cares deeply about patients, and he goes above and beyond to make sure staff are adequately educated on wound assessments and wound care so that our patients have good outcomes.
He has his doctorate in nursing, yet he's very approachable, down to earth and doesn't intimidate people, whether it be a co-worker or patient. He's encouraging and accommodating to meet field nurses out at patients' homes for consultations. He does an excellent job prioritizing needs even though he's pulled in many different directions.