Chelsea Blankenship
January 2019
Intensive Care Unit
Community Hospital Anderson
United States




A short while ago, one of our patients underwent thoracotomy for lung cancer. Postoperatively he became very weak, hypoxic, and developed lung collapse as he could not cough and clear his secretions. Three times I had to perform a bronchoscopy to try and clear his secretions, but he would soon collapse his lung again. I tried my best to motivate the patient to cough and working with physical therapy, incentive spirometry, percussion vest, but his pain and weakness were too much, and felt he was losing the uphill battle. The only remaining option was to intubate him, one that I would use as a last resort as it could reopen his surgical stump and commit him to a long hospitalization with potential and serious complications.
Then morning came, and Chelsea took over his nursing care, and like a veteran drill sergeant, though not lacking a shred of compassion, she came in the morning, and with no hesitation, gave him a plan of the day: you will get up today, work with physical therapy, and had a list of chores for him to do. It took from her, nursing aides, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, and the patient himself a tremendous effort, but he did it, and turned the corner. What she did might have saved his life, at the very least prevented his intubation.
For not taking "no" as an answer from the patient, and for taking the path of most resistance, and especially for considering what she did to be a regular day's job, I recognize Chelsea as a DAISY Nurse. She proves that wearing the RN scrub is the work of superheroes, ones whose extraordinary feats often go unrecognized.