January 2019
Neurovascular Intensive Care
Medical City Dallas
United States




To say Chelsea has gone above and beyond for my mother would be an understatement. She was there for me the day it appeared my mother had given up; she saw it had absolutely broken me as my mother is my best friend. She stood there talking with me about my concern and biggest fear of my mom not making it out of here because she has given up. I felt so much better after she comforted me and spoke with me about everything she has seen with many patients in the ICU. I am not sure what she had discussed with my mother while I was away, but my Aunt said she saw a major turnaround in my mother's mood and drive to work hard to get out of here.
Every single time Chelsea has been her nurse, she has continued to encourage her and let her know how well she is doing. If my mom is having a down day, Chelsea talks to her in such a manner that mother will do some work even if it is not as much as she normally does. The final point for me was this morning when mother started crying to her about an issue that made her feel scared and not cared about as a patient. Chelsea's response was grabbing mother's hands, wiping her tears away, and telling her it was going to be okay as she was going to handle it. I could see the look of hurt on her face from how mother felt and her crying. She continued to reassure mother that she has improved so much each day. Chelsea reassures her that each small goal is a huge accomplishment for where she came from. Not only does my mother look forward to her being her nurse, but my whole family gets so excited knowing Chelsea is mother's nurse because we know everything will be okay and mother will be at ease within her care. Chelsea is also very interactive with the family; we all adore her so very much!