Chen Yefa
August 2018
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province




Chen Yefa is one of the male nurses in OR, who is low-key and dedicated to his profession. He treats colleagues and patients really well, with respect and kindness.
Everyone loves weekends and the rest it brings after the long and demanding hours of the five-day work week. However, for ER and OR staff, there is no difference in work hours between weekends and weekdays or between day and night. Whenever there is an operation, OR Nurses are needed whether the surgery was planned in advance or not.
One Saturday night, around 10:00, OR was informed that an aortic dissection patient was coming. Unfortunately, the nurse on duty was lying in bed with a fever, and therefore, unavailable to assist in this operation. She sent out a call for help. It was Chen Yefa who volunteered to do the operation. He rushed to the hospital from his cozy home and did his job professionally and effectively for the rest of the night. The surgery ended around 6:00 the next morning, and the patient was safely transferred to ICU. We could tell Chen Yefa was so tired after working so many hours without sleep. But when we offered him our sympathy and concern, he smiled and told us that he was happy to work together with his colleagues to save a patient.
We can say that Chen Yefa is just one of the healthcare providers who does not care about personal gain or loss in the face of emergency concerning illness and death. He is just eager to grab every hope of life for our patients!