July 2012
White River Medical Center
United States




I have personally seen impact that activities can have on our patients. People in pain express diminished pain levels, patients that are anxious will become calmer, and the elderly with dementia become more focused during activity groups. As charge nurse and as staffing permits Christa Duggar consistently performs Sunday devotion for our patients. She can plan any of the hymns our patients might want to hear. Hymnals are passed to patients and soon the sound of old fashioned songs like “The Old Rugged Cross” or “I’ll Fly Away” are floating down the hospital halls. I have witnessed one lady that did not talk all week sing the words to “How Great Thou Art.” Certain agitated patients instantly will calm down and participate.
The grace and caring that Christa shows her patients changes everyone for a short period of time. When our patients start to hear the familiar songs they are more at ease. In addition to this, having a positive impact on our patients, many of our staff from housekeeping, maintenance and in our own unit will take a few moments to reflect on the music and message. This is not in Christa’s job description and I know this takes away from her time out of her day to do this, but she is not only helping the patients in a tangible therapeutic way, she is also setting an example to her crew. Christa never says help out this person or you go do that, instead she shows by example, that helping one person may take a little of your time but the payoff is worth the time spent.
We all have our specialized jobs but we work as a unit, not because we are told to, but because we see the example Christa sets, we follow her lead. These qualities to me exemplify a level of care and professionalism I strive to emulate.