Danielle Eberhardt
March 2018
Float Pool
Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center
United States




Danielle Eberhardt receives an A+ for Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence. Danielle took excellent care of me when I was there. She always cheered me up when I needed it most. She's my smiley face. I didn't have to wait. I got to Cleveland VA from another hospital I had already been in for over a month. I was an emotional wreck. Danielle built a relationship with me instantly and continuously checked on me even when she wasn't my nurse. My brother passed away and Danielle took the time out of her busy day to sit with me, hold my hand, remind me of the good times, and even informed my nurse and asked my nurse to give me something for anxiety. Danielle helped me grasp back to reality which greatly sped up my recovery. She proved to me that there are great people in the Louis Stokes VA Medical Center. I will never forget her.