Danielle Villota
March 2018
Memorial Hospital West
Pembroke Pines
United States




A family member of an ill patient wrote an emotional and loving letter about Danielle Villota's compassion, care, and kindness. The most important actions of Danielle were her commitment to Nursing Communication.
She went the extra mile to ensure that the patient and their family knew the exact results of a lab test. Each patient has their own "goals" during their health crisis. Danielle asked the patient, "What is the most important thing you need for your care today?" Danielle designed the Plan of Care to match exactly want the patient requested. All too often the Plan of Care is related to the facility and not the patient.
Danielle ensured that her care was unique and designed to meet the patient and family's needs. The patient and his wife were highly concerned about a specific lab test. Danielle taught them the testing process and sat to review the results in detail at a level that the patient could understand. Taking the "extra" time to communicate is one way that Danielle cares for her patients and families.