Deb Whitefoot
July 2016
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center
Las Vegas
United States




Deb is an experienced and compassionate nurse who has made a huge impact on the thousands of patients and families that have crossed her path. The most recent example being her open communication and willingness to share her own personal tragedy to help inform, comfort and guide a mother in our unit. While caring for a patient who suffered a massive head injury, it became very clear that the mother was experiencing extreme duress. It was evident her child was progressing to brain death and some heart wrenching decisions were being laid out for this mother. In a long conversation, Deb answered this mother's questions, provided repetitive explanations and ultimately decided to share her own story of selflessness. Deb discussed her own manner of deciding to withdraw life support from her infant son some 16 years ago. Her willingness to share showed this mother that her feelings and fears were not only valid, but that she was not alone. As Deb put it, "I did it for him and I have never regretted what I did for him." As nurses, especially in an ICU where death is often present, you find yourself building layers of protection, to ensure you can come back to fight another day. However, what Deb did for this mother, went above and beyond. Knowing firsthand the struggle facing this family did not cause Deb to run and shield her feelings. Instead, she faced them head on and gave this mother a safe place to grieve, question and be unsure. Deb is the living model of perseverance, strength and kindness.