Deoanna Gorrell
October 2016
Progressive Care Unit
Indiana University Health Arnett Hosptial
United States




My husband had open heart surgery in July. About a week after surgery, he went into Afib. We had no idea what that was and just knew his heart was beating fast and we were scared. Dee was his nurse and she calmed him down, just by her voice. After the doctor came in we were even more scared and worried. She could tell by the looks on our faces, I guess because she explained everything the doctor said. She also said this is normal and it may take 3 months for his heart to beat normally. She explained that it is tired from working so hard.
We have medicine to help it work correctly. She kept doing her job and we started to talk about our family which made us relax. My husband, daughter and I started to calm down even though his heart was still beating fast and the monitor kept beeping. She walked out of his room and when she came back in she said he had converted. She said, "I'll be getting a call soon". And she did. She said, "10 minutes ago, that's what I thought".
Wow, she made us feel like she knew what she was talking about. She brought us blankets and pillows and softly spoke to my husband and got him some crackers and sherbet. Even brought us crackers as we had not eaten either. She dimmed the lights and we slept for 2 hours. After being so scared she made all of us feel better. Dee was a lifesaver. You need to clone her!
Dee, I want to thank you for the way you took care of my family. We were all scared of what was going on with him. He did so well after surgery and being home for 5 days and then having his heart race so fast we could see his body move and his vein on his neck pumping blood. Saying we were scared is putting it mildly. I noticed one difference with you. You truly listened. After someone put tape on his leg incisions and I showed you the blister on his leg you changed his bandage in case it was the tape. When I asked the doctor if he would have to be on blood thinners for the rest of his life and he said yes. You noticed my look as one of concern and helped to calm my fear. When I said I thought it was caused by another medication because that was the only difference from the past 5 days, you took the time to look it up.
You got him a snack and when he was shaking so much from the sherbet and being scared, you brought him warm blankets. You were so good at your job that we almost forgot the monitor beeping. When it stopped beeping, you knew it. You even brought us crackers, pillows, and blankets. We were all able to sleep for a couple of hours. You are really are good at what you do. Many can be a nurse, but you were caring and most importantly, you listened.