Diann Campbell
October 2018
Special Care Rehabilitiation Unit
Covenant Medical Center
United States




The flight nurse and I responded to 3 General for a Rapid Response for a patient in respiratory failure. Diann was the patient's nurse and gave us a verbal report on the patient as she was assisting in the care. The patient had only a caregiver present and was determined to be a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR).
Later in the day, I was called to the same floor for an IV start and talked to Diann concerning the patient. After we had left the room, Diann stayed with the patient offering comfort to her. She went above and beyond to perform a baptism and prayed at the patient's bedside until she passed away.
While I was there talking to Diann, the caregiver walked up and expressed her heartfelt thanks for all Diann did for the patient. She was clearly touched by the love and care that Diann showed to her charge. Diann is a technically proficient nurse but more importantly an extremely compassionate and caring provider who should be an example for all of us.
When our time to leave this earth comes, we can only hope that the health care providers at our bedside exhibit this level of compassion and care.