Emily Carrera
December 2016
OB Perinatal Unit
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
Los Angeles
United States




I was scheduled for an induction one week before my due date because I had developed gestational hypertension. My son was unable to tolerate the contractions and his heart rate kept dropping so I ended up with a "crash C-Section". It turned out I was also experiencing a placental abruption and my son and I almost died. He ended up in the NICU for about 24 hours while I was separated from him in recovery. By the time we were reunited in the perinatal department we were both traumatized. We were working on breastfeeding but he was losing weight that his tiny body couldn't afford to lose.
When I met Emily at the start of her overnight shift, I was in tears. I was scared that my son was losing weight and frustrated that my plan to breastfeed wasn't working out. Emily sat patiently and I listened to all my worries and concerns. I am beyond lucky to have met Emily that night. Because she came up with a plan that allowed me to practice breastfeeding and also be sure my son was eating enough. She introduced us to a supplemental nursing system which involved a tiny catheter filled with pumped breastmilk that we slipped into the corner of my son's mouth while he nursed. She then came back every two hours to wake me and teach me how to use it. I was beyond impressed by the patience and dedication she had when it came to making sure my son was eating enough. I truly believe we would have abandoned breastfeeding altogether if I had not met Emily. She is such a sweet and caring person that it needs to be rewarded.
I am home from the hospital for a week now, and my son and I are masters of breastfeeding and it makes me sad to think we almost gave up on it. Without this wonderful nurse, he would probably be bottle and formula fed by now and we would have missed the incredible bond we share while he nurses. I am probably still a little traumatized from the scary way my labor and delivery turned out but still tear up when I think about Emily's commitment and kindness while being my nurse. She truly is a beautiful person, inside and out.