Hinda Ali
December 2015
Nursing Resource Management Float Pool
Oregon Health & Science University
United States




Hinda has worked in the Float Pool since 2007 (and she worked as a CNA in the float pool while she was going to nursing school). Hinda is a charge nurse on the overflow units, a preceptor, and has been on the UBNPC. She has a special interest in wound and ostomy care and has taken steps to increase her knowledge in this area, which she shares with others nurses. Hinda exemplifies professional practice being demonstrated with dignity and grace, and is a wonderful ambassador for the Acute Care Float Pool at OHSU. Hinda is valued staff member, one of 55 nurses in the acute care float pool. Hinda was nominated by her peer, a RN,who had this to say about why Hinda is deserving of this award:

"Hinda Ali is stellar in many ways. She exemplifies what it is to be a professional nurse; compassion, leadership, passion for the profession, accountability. After working many shifts with her as charge RN on 5A, I've come to realize just how important she is to our patients at OHSU and nurses. Hinda on any given day takes care of many patients with a multitude of illnesses. Being in float pool, she is stretched to the max with patient load and accountability for knowing what it is her patients' need on any given unit. She gives every patient respect and compassionate care.
On 5A we get many patients who are in need of CIWA protocol and/or detoxing off of some sort of opiate, recreational drug, or ETOH. This can be a difficult situation for both the patient and the nurse. Hinda respectfully takes care of these fragile patients. For example, I had a patient who was particularly difficult, very demanding of the nursing staff, and really fatiguing our ability to compassionately care for them. However Hinda, multiple times went into the patient's room as charge RN to respectfully hear out the patient's requests and follow up on their needs. The patient loved Hinda and asked multiple times throughout my shift about her. They thought her demeanor was caring, comforting, and put the patient at ease.
Not only does Hinda make patients feel more comfortable, but she also helps her fellow nursing staff. One time, the unit was particularly busy. We had no CNAs to help, yet multiple patients were total care. She advocated for us to get more nursing help despite the grid, because she knew it was unsafe for our patients to have less than the desired amount of staff on the floor.
Typically charge on 5A does not take over 1-2 patients on day shift as well, yet Hinda is always willing to step in. A couple weeks ago I had a very difficult day; I'm also a new mom on the unit who has pumping needs. By the end of the day I was very tired and fatigued, I only had two patients after discharging my other two. However, Hinda took it upon herself to take the new admit and asked me to go take a break instead of admitting up to my expected ratio of 1:3. I told her this was completely unnecessary, but she insisted. She stated, "You cannot take care of others if you do not take care of yourself first, please take a break and recuperate."
It's not often you find someone so kind to help you, when you truly need it. We need more nurses like Hinda on the floor. If we all worked together like she does on every given shift, our hospital would run smoother and our patients would benefit immensely.