Ida Jardino
September 2019
Appointment & Advice Call Center - SAC
Appointment and Advice Call Center - Sacramento
United States




By the time the manager was available the patient said she felt better after speaking with Ida and didn't need to speak with a manager.
I wanted to share what a fine job Ida did on a recent call. She was working the weekend and received a suicide call. The call was long and challenging. Ida remained cool, calm, and collected during the whole call. After the call, she was ready to continue taking care of other patients. Within the next hour or so she was on her second long and challenging suicide call.

During this call, the patient was angry and wanted to speak with a manager. By the time the manager was available the patient said she felt better after speaking with Ida and didn't need to speak with a manager. Again, she remained professional, empathic, and calm. I couldn't believe she received another suicide call.

By this time, I expected Ida to run out of the building, but she didn't. She continued to do her job to the best of her ability. Another manager and I were so impressed with her demeanor we gave her a thank you card and some mandarins. Ida delivered great care to our patients.