Janet Angelico
January 2018
4E Telemetry Case Management
Porter Adventist Hospital
United States




Janet has been a case manager for several years. Her passion for her patientsisdemonstratedevery daywhile she tries to support them in their hospital stay and establish community needs at discharge. She listens to her patients and families and tries to provide a patient-centered discharge plan. She looks outside the box to enhance resources for her patients, as well. Recently, Janet had a61-year-oldgentleman that was admitted withseverecardiac disease. He lived a lifestyle that did not support good health, and he demonstrated that he would not comply with the new medical management plan or change his current situation. Cardiology wanted him to go to University for a heart transplant evaluation, but patient stated he would not change his lifestyle and probably would not follow up for evaluation. A cognitive eval was performed and the patient demonstrated that he understood his decisions.
Janet met with the patient and his daughter several times and discussed needs at discharge. She consulted palliative care and the MDbecause she felt thatthe patient's wishes werenot being heard. The patient reiterated that he wanted to go home and live his life. The patient was ultimately discharged home with hospice to spend his remaining time with friends and family. Because of Janet, his wishes were heard and honored. Thankyou,Janet,for being an advocate and for yourcommitmentto your patients every day!