Jennifer Bonk
November 2018
St. Joseph's Health
United States




Jen's role as coordinator in the Endo Department is a juggling act among physicians, staff, anesthesia, offices, management and most important: patients. She is always advocating for patients and their safety and never cuts any corners to keep them safe. She is compassionate and understanding, and always takes time to educate, listen, and support patients and their families. She is a support to her peers and staff and is always willing to lend a helping hand; never asking them to do anything she wouldn't do herself. In addition, she is always willing to teach; even on the busiest of days—she will spend a moment to teach someone the correct way of doing things. When students are shadowing from the College of Nursing, she is patient and informative, even when she is juggling the flow of the unit. She is modest and would never take credit for the lives she touches. Patients would never know how much work she does for them; they would just feel her compassion. She is an asset to the Endo Department!