Jeremy Odom
August 2018
McLeod Regional Medical Center
United States




Jeremy Odom was my Grandmother's nurse for the first 3 days of her stay in the CCU. While all her nurses have been excellent, the care that Jeremy provided went above and beyond what was required of him.
From the moment Jeremy began my Grandmother's care, he was attentive and meticulous in the ways in which he worked to keep her stabilized and comfortable. I am certainly not in the medical field, but it was clear that he was very in-tune with her and could almost anticipate moments of discomfort or changes in her numbers, and in many cases, was able to head them off before they progressed. Not only did Jeremy provide her with excellent medical attention, but he also brought a level of compassion and care that I don't believe you often see. He was personable, he was gentle, and he spoke to her with kindness and love. Jeremy never failed to take the time to slowly and calmly explain as much as he could to my anxious Grandmother and to the family as well. As amazing as his care had been thus far, the events of Friday are what will forever hold a special place in my heart.
My Grandmother had been requiring more oxygen throughout the day. Very quickly it became apparent that she was having trouble breathing and as I was trying to calm her, Jeremy entered the room working quickly and diligently. All the while constantly talking to my Grandmother, trying to keep her calm, and telling her to try and breath. As the doctor rushed in and the decision to intubate was made, we were all asked to leave the room. Nothing more heart wrenching to leave a person you love scared and suffering.
As we were walking out of the room I hear my Grandmother call Jeremy by name, and I hear Jeremy so lovingly tell her, "I am here with you, I'm not going anywhere, I will be right here with you." In such a difficult situation, I honestly felt at peace; only because Jeremy was with her. It takes a truly special person to not only speak to the medical needs of these sick patients, but to speak to their hearts, and to the hearts of these families! I will be forever touched by the care and comfort he provided my Grandmother. When you experience someone who is extraordinary, I believe you should say so. I truly believe Jeremy should be recognized for his amazing work because there is no doubt in my mind he has touched so many more lives than just our family.