October 2014
4 North
Doctors Medical Center
United States




Jonathan Cabusao did so much for us, we felt like we were being treated wonderfully and always with a smile and great personality. Jonathan not only took care of us, but took care of all his patients with a smile and fantastic personality.

After being in the hospital for almost 24 hours and only being seen by one doctor, he made it a priority to listen to our concerns and call another doctor. Then he made sure the family member staying with the patient was also well. If the patient (my Dad) asked for snacks, medicine, blankets, assistance, etc. Jonathan rushed over and helped. It is true, we are not RN's or have that education, but we know our bodies and are educated in other areas. Nevertheless, Jonathan listened to all our concerns and never brushed us off. We also called him more times combined then ever - being here 5 times prior. We have never called a nurse more than once a shift and we must have called him over 25 times (yes, 25 times)!

Most importantly, after telling at least 9 nurses throughout the day, from ER to the 4th floor to contact the Cardiology doctor on call, Jonathan was the one who did it. When the doctor came and noticed the problem he scheduled surgery for the next morning. Now that sounds serious to me, and I am not a nurse or physician. Jonathan saved my Dad's life. Thank you Jonathan!!