Jordan Myers
May 2019
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
United States




Jordan went above and beyond for a patient that was in our unit. A patient was born very early at an outside hospital; Jordan went on one of their first transports to get the patient. Instantly he made a connection with both the patient and the family. The patient continued care at MGUH and had a long and very complicated stay. The baby was here for several months and many very sick and tenuous weeks. Jordan continued to take care of the patient once it was in our NICU, often requesting to care for the patient.
While Jordan was on vacation in Mexico he was at Our Lady of Guadeloupe and could not stop thinking about this patient. He felt compelled to buy a rosary for her bedside. Once returning to work, he felt apprehensive about putting this rosary at the bedside for fear of offending the parents of a different religion. He finally told the parents the story of his vacation and how he could not stop thinking about their child while he was there. The mother got teary and pulled out an almost identical memento. She had been exploring other faiths during the difficult time and had been drawn to Our Lady of Guadeloupe.
Jordan and family shared a big moment strengthening the bond both had felt during the hospital stay. He continued to take care of the patient and consistently check-in with the patient and the family when they were there. On the baby's day of discharge, the mother walked out of the unit to find Jordan standing there waiting to congratulate her and the patient on a safe discharge home for the very first time.
Jordan always gives compassionate and exemplary care to the families. He is skilled and does a great job of caring for the patients but always takes that extra step with families. He also serves as a preceptor on the unit and teaches new nurses to do the same. The new graduate nurse that he precepted models his behavior in her interactions with families. He is an advocate for his patients and escalates care appropriately. He helps others on the unit and is always available in an emergency. Jordan consistently goes on transport and provides excellent care with more limited resources and effectively brings the patients back to the hospital for further treatment.