Kate Grabiec
September 2017
Bendheim Cancer Center
Greenwich Hospital
United States




Three and a half years ago I was diagnosed with non-surgical prostate cancer. I was prescribed chemo and Zygita. My prognosis was guarded. Kate has kept my spirits up with her enthusiasm and medical excellence. Every month she cares for me and many other patients under worse circumstances with unfailing caring, advice, treatment, and support. She keeps the office humming with unfailing energy and humor. I speak to other patients who sing her praises.
This year my insurance was canceled without reason. She spent hours showing how it was a mistake. She even got Johnson and Johnson to help me get patient assistance and get my chemo restored. That took calls for a week and many hours of her time. I would not have chemo or Zytiga without her. My PSA is undetectable and three years ago it was 119 and rising. She literally helped me add many years to my life and she has done it with a smile and optimism. She is a smart and very compassionate person. She cares.