Keith Sirmans
July 2018
Pelham Medical Center
United States




I have worked with Keith for years and have always been impressed with the bedside manner he displays with all of his patients. The specific example I want to recognize him for occurred 2 weeks ago. The incident involved a very critical ICU patient and the way he cared for the patient and family in the last few hours before the patient passed. The patient had a rapid decline in his condition and things were not looking good. The wife of the patient was very upset, she felt like the intubation she requested was a bad decision and that the patient was suffering because of her. Keith dropped everything he was doing during a busy med pass and heavy patient load. He prioritized the care of his patient's family's spiritual and emotional needs over his own workflow for the night. Keith spent over 2 hours answering her questions and listening to her cry. I saw her give Keith a hug and say, "Having someone in the room to reassure me and answer all of my questions, as well as care for my husband like you do, has given me so much peace."
The patient passed away a few hours later. Keith did not stop caring for the family even after his patient was gone. He continued to offer a shoulder to cry on and kind words of encouragement. Once the mortuary came and took the body, the wife came out again and gave us all a hug. She told us she was truly grateful for the staff that was there to help her on the worst day of her life. She said without Keith there to help her it would not have been bearable.
I was glad I was able to witness and see the impact we, as healthcare providers, can have on our families through Keith's excellent example.