Kim Silvia
March 2018
The Miriam Hospital
United States




Kim exemplifies the total nurse. She encompasses her expertise with hands-on patient care. So often, today, this important skill is lost. From the time I was admitted until discharge, Kim was my nurse. She anticipated my needs before I needed to ask. For example, she knew, without checking my medication record, the time of my last pain medication, and would assess my facial expression and body language and then offer it! I never had to wait for anything. My IV "fell out" and she had it in immediately, again.
She was able to recite my most recent lab results and test results before I asked, and the new orders were carried out very quickly to reflect and perform the care I needed. The most simple tasks were performed easily and quietly (she would assess the room upon entering, clean my bedside, make my bed, always had water/juice available to help correct dehydration).
When listening to her hand off report, she was aware of my diagnoses, treatments, social history reflecting my care (husband home alone after very recent surgery). The nurse coming on was completely informed of every body system, emotional needs, comfort needs, etc. Her angel wings quietly rustle as she is giving care to her patients!