January 2018
Maternal Infant Unit
Naval Hospital Yokosuka
United States




I recently gave birth to my third child. I had so many complications, concerning the positive test results that I was beginning to think I was going to have a C-section when LT Stoops started to care for me. I had started my induction but over time my diastolic BP had gone over 90 and my blood was being tested for preeclampsia. I had gestational diabetes. I had positive GBS, and my water had prematurely ruptured with meconium in it. My scheduled induction so far had gotten me only 3cm. I was discouraged until my support person and LT Stoops arrived. LT Stoops asked once what my pain management plan would be, she got the induction plan from Dr. V and went to work. She worked with my husband, with me and with my support person to empower me to labor effectively. Management of the pain was safer for me and baby. My blood pressure was lower at the next check and then in the normal range again.
I believe we started to see progress because she was working so hard with us that she was practically laboring alongside me. LT Stoops took care of the monitor, so I could focus on the labor. She was on all fours on the floor, so I could do yoga poses. She was practically in the shower with me so I could bounce on the ball with the shower water at my back. Her pants were soaked and I think she worked as hard as I did to keep the gel on the monitors. She had ideas for positions. She never complained or asked me to stop moving or reposition so she could get the monitor to pick up the heart rate. She timed and monitored my contractions and increased the Pitocin slowly so I could handle the pain. After hours of hard labor on the part of LT Stoops, myself, my husband and my support person a healthy baby was born. I don't know when Dr. V was even called in to assist but she was there to deliver the baby.
After she placed me in the postpartum room LT Stoops was off to help the next laboring momma. She didn't stop to rest the entire time I saw her on shift from 7-2am. She remained caring, compassionate, positive and when she left she was excited to help the next family.
The impact of someone like this on a birthing team is hard to explain. I already had two deliveries, and both had issues. I had the baby blues after my second. However, the impact of how LT Stoops handled this made me feel empowered, energized and cared for rather than scared and discouraged. I trusted her judgment because I never thought she was trying to make me into a compliant patient. Her goal was to have a safe, effective labor. She believed the best way to do this was to encourage and advocate for me in my pain management plan rather than advocate for me to change it for convenience or even because she felt she knew better. Being able to concentrate on getting progression and not on making decisions or even talking about the progress was very helpful. She found out the plan at the beginning of the shift and then executed that plan.
If you speak with the other caregivers that night they will tell you that LT Stoops had way more fun than the average nurse would have with the experience. I think this job is a vocation for her. She actually enjoys helping deliver babies naturally. A natural birth is one of the hardest things to assist with and having the desire to do it is so rare. LT Stoops had such enthusiasm and optimism throughout my entire labor experience. My recovery is going so smoothly. I don't feel as overwhelmed, the hormones of natural birth are very helpful to keep me aware of my baby regardless of lack of sleep. I doubt I will feel negative emotional side effects with this birth like I did in the past. If anything, I think this experience makes me feel more capable as a mom. LT Stoops is always positive and her job isn't easy, she is a true DAISY Nurse.