Lalitha Looganathan
November 2018
Male Medical 1
Security Forces Hospital
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




As a physician, our day is made of interactions both with patients and other healthcare professionals. Nurses are the professionals we spend more time with and have the most interaction due to their position in the center of patient care.
Lalitha is one of the outstanding nurses our patients have the benefit to encounter every day. She is a very caring nurse who always takes excellent care of her patients. She is proactive in a way that very little can be. She always strives for the complete involvement of the physician in the care of the patient and reminds us all to act as true patient advocates. Her level of involvement and caring is not only to the patients but extends to her colleagues.
I remember one time when I was hypoglycemic. She rushed to help me and got me something to eat immediately. She did not leave me until everything was ok with me. Lalitha is totally empathetic. On another occasion, one of the patients was screaming and in an altered state of mind. Lalitha spoke to him in such a calm manner that his concerns were all addressed. The patient eventually understood and continued with his treatment. Lalitha took the time and the efforts to explain clearly all the benefits of the treatment and contributed to his wellness in an outstanding way. She is always capable of understanding the patient's needs and cares for them in a way I would like to be cared for.
These are only some examples of Lalitha's exceptional everyday practice.