Margaret "Lynne" Roffino
August 2018
Parkland Health & Hospital System
United States




Lynne (Margaret) is consistently kind and nurturing to our patients. Recently, a patient was being wheeled out of our clinic by EMS, he was clearly shaken and scared. She spoke calmly to the patient and instructed him to focus on his breathing and she gently stroked the hair from his sweaty forehead. Lynne has treated our transgender patients with respect, consideration, and compassion. One of our trans patients was very anxious after having a toenail removed at an outside facility - he was unable to remove the bandage; Lynne facilitated him getting to clinic urgently and helped remove the dressing and apply a new one all the while remaining calm and offering consolation to the patient. She is nurturing and has the heart of a healer. She knows a lot of stuff and has been known to offer home remedy advice to patients and staff members alike - from ammonia on bug bites to salt water on oral irritation. She is non-judgmental and empathic, excellent qualities for a human being, especially one in the field of nursing.
She is good at recognizing the contributions of the team members. We often get an email from Lynne giving out kudos to her coworkers for a job well done. Last week she made sure we all knew how our mental health counselor recognized and acted quickly when a patient was having an active stroke in our lobby. Excellent teamwork was displayed and Lynne played a very important piece, but she will never tell you that. She appreciates the impact we can have on our patients. We have several patients in trans clinic who have commented on Lynne's consistent kindness, warmth, sensitivity, and sincerity. This makes us smile because we know it's genuine and were glad to have her on our team. She sends out encouraging emails and uplifting news stories. She takes care of her coworkers by trying to make our jobs easier. We all know a little kindness can go a long way.
Some examples:
Lynne purchased bins for stewpot to keep all varieties of condoms separate (so many expiration dates, it was ridiculous).
She bought garage door clickers for safety (sometimes the Stewpot shelter gate is not opened and it's still dark out in the mornings).
She organized blue folder plan for QC logs (created better communication with our lab personnel).
Lynne made fridge/freezer magnets for TVFC vaccines (very helpful during TVFC yearly audits).
Lynne truly makes HOMES better by being here!