Maria Miller
October 2016
Labor & Delivery Unit
O'Connor Hospital
San Jose
United States




My wife is in perfect health and always wanted vaginal delivery instead of C-section. On August 29th she reached 9cm dilation, but her contractions were far apart. MD tried Pitocin but due to fetal distress she had to stop it. The then duty nurse tried various positions but my wife was stuck at 9cm for 7 hours. We were given the option of a C-section and our hopes were gone. In walked Maria and she quickly assessed the situation. She talked to our OB/GYN and bought us some more time. She gave us confidence and tried different positions for my wife. She then tried Pitocin and this time baby's heartbeat was fine and my wife reached 10cm. With renewed energy my wife pushed and our daughter was born. Maria, who was creative, intelligent and dedicated, made it happen. In Maria we found a compassionate yet superwoman personality who did not give up on my wife and helped us deliver naturally. Maria we love you!