Marie Burns
July 2015
Urology Clinic
Parkland Hospital
United States
 the clinic we occasionally have patients who need to be admitted to the hospital. If there is not a bed available we keep them in the clinic or send them to Urgent Care Clinic until a bed becomes available. Marie doesn't send her patients anywhere, she owns them and cares for them herself until she knows they are safely admitted.

One evening we had a patient waiting for a bed. All the rest of the staff had gone home for the day. I told Marie she was welcome to send the patient to the Urgent Care Clinic and leave also, but she wanted to stay. The patient was by himself, and a bit nervous. She did not want to hand him off to another strange place and possibly increase his anxiety. So she waited with him until the floor called with a room number. She gave report and took the patient upstairs herself. He was grateful for her care but had no idea of the extra effort she put into it. That's Marie. She quietly goes about caring for our patients without any expectation of recognition or reward.

We also had a nurse leave our clinic recently who left several tasks at the end of the day. Without instruction or a word from anyone, Marie quietly assumed those tasks, ensuring that there would be no lapse in service for the patients.

We had a county hold patient once who attacked his guard in the procedure room. Marie immediately took him down. Another nurse held him down until the police arrived while still another nurse assisted the guard to the ED. This is just another example of Marie quietly going about her business taking care of others. She did not even go home and tell her family what she had done..the rest of us were telling the story for days!

Marie is a true leader in our clinic. She is in charge once a week, but continues to do "charge nurse" things even when she is not. She precepts extremely well, passing on her wonderful work ethic to others. She routinely tells me when we are running low on supplies so we don't run out. It is the compilation of all of these things, and many others, that make her such a valued nurse and employee.

Marie goes above and beyond to make patients feel comfortable. She is truly an advocate for her patients. She will stay as late as possible to make sure phone calls and messages get answered. Patients frequently request to see Marie in clinic for procedures because they like the way she treats them. Specifically, they say she is very gentle and makes sure they understand what she is doing. Also, they say they feel like she truly cares about them.

Marie always tries to do the right thing. She is always positive and tries to build up her coworkers. She smiles frequently and does her best to keep the mood and atmosphere positive in the clinic. Also, when Marie is the nurse working with you, you know things will get done quickly and correctly. She is truly a joy to work with.