February 2016
Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
United States




I am pleased to nominate Mary Ann Dragon for providing exemplary family-centered relationship-based care. She is focused on providing the best possible patient experience for our patients and their families nearly every moment that's she's working (and even some moments when she's not!). She oversees spiritual care, child life, and the creative arts therapists, all of whom work together to support our patients and their families in whatever ways they find most helpful, and has been instrumental in supporting her staff, as well, in encouraging and promoting various programs, such as our self-care forums. "Go for it!" is the response I hear most often when I come to her with a new idea; she is always willing to try something new and to think outside the box in designing creative ways to achieve objectives.
Mary Ann's work on the "E Team" and her leadership on Rainbow's Patient and Family Advisory Committee keeps her in touch with the goals and needs of our patients and families, allowing her to design and tailor programs to meet those needs. She makes time to nurture relationships, not only with patients and families, but also with staff. She truly exemplifies family-centered relationship-based care.