Mary McCoy
October 2019
Trauma/Neuro ICU
Mercy Hospital St. Louis
St. Louis
United States




Over the past month, Mary has shown time and again why she is the best boss/manager I have ever had. First, our coworker tragically died and, in the midst of grieving as though she had lost her own daughter, Mary was always checking in on us. It seemed as if she never went home. Then as if things weren't tough enough, the acuity in the ICU suddenly increased to a level I have rarely seen in my four years here. Mary was filling in wherever she could see holes occurring; helping turn patients, tag busy nurses out of rooms so they can get some work done and filling in as charge while we were short a charge nurse. All of this while working her own busy job. Finally, I had an impulsive confused patient who wouldn't stay in bed causing me to fall behind on my workload. Mary stepped in, put my patient in a wheelchair and pushed my patient around the hospital allowing me to catch up on my work with my other patient. Mary is a true leader and displays all the qualities of a true Mercy nurse. She has touched every coworkers' life and makes everyone's day better. I hope one day I can be half the nurse she is.