Miranda Johnson
November 2018
Emergency Department
Nationwide Children's Hospital
United States




Miranda Johnson likely saved the life of an 8-month-old patient by utilizing her zero hero tools and strong clinical assessment skills. This patient was diagnosed with an intussusception. The plan per the surgery resident was for the patient to have an air enema in fluoro. Miranda stepped in voicing she had a concern due to the patient's decreased level of consciousness and unstable vital signs. She was met with resistance and incivility. She stood her ground. The surgery resident attempted to convince her that the rest of the surgery team was on board with the plan for the air enema and to give more fluid boluses to support the unstable vital signs just prior to the procedure.
Miranda continued to use tools such as ARCC, QVV and stop/resolve. Her dedication to doing the right thing resulted in both the attending surgeon and surgery fellow assessing the patient in the ED. It was quickly determined that the patient should emergently go to the OR due to being at very high risk for a bowel perforation. The patient was quickly transferred to the OR for immediate surgical intervention. Via CS STARS event reports, Miranda was commended by the chief pediatric surgeon for this "excellent pickup". Miranda was also recognized by ED leadership for her outstanding dedication to patient safety. I thoroughly believe what Miranda Johnson did for this young patient exemplifies the criteria for a DAISY Award recipient.