Nancy Murray
November 2018
Starr Regional Medical Center
United States




Taking care of patients is a nurse's job. A job is defined as: a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid.
When my sister was in the hospital, there were nurses who did their job. But there was one who really stood out to her. She took her time with her and had great patience. She treated her with kindness and respect, not just out of duty, but out of love for her patient.
When you are caring for someone, it is easy to overlook the person laying in the bed and treat the disease. This nurse looked at the inward person. She didn't just look at the physical and see a hard to treat patient. She didn't see the heavy lifting or the extensive help needed to do the simple ADLs, (Activities of Daily Living), of everyday life.
There are lots of great nurses working hard daily to do their job, but I wanted to recognize Nancy Murray for her kindness and compassion during this trying time in my sister's life.