Neil & Raquel
October 2012
Neil & Raquel
Cardiovascular Nursing
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre-Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




I nominate Neil and Raquel Urmatam for their excellent contribution to CVN agenda. Both are employed within the cardiovascular unit.
I nominate them both as a single application because they apply the same passion that they share in their family life to supporting the quality of care (Neil is UBC chair & Raquel is a tremendous support to the management team), both are working hard within the quality agenda and not just for the patients but in the service of their colleagues at the bedside, supervising and managerial capacity. Their energy to promote a team ethos throughout the division and both are often leading and attending many of the division’s social activities to support and encourage staff.
Both are very much regarded by their colleagues as ‘role models’ and exemplary in their professional behavior and standards of care, compassion, communication and dedication to the wider agendas and complex problems of contemporary nursing, the point being that they do this and maintain a help family value.
Neil: UBC Chair; dedicating rest days to the chairing and minuting of meetings. An exemplary CSICU bedside nurse and champion, has been mentioned by patients and relatives for the care and attention and diligence to duty that he provides.
Raquel: Newly appointed AHN for A4, her head nurse has not mentioned any initiatives without starting with a sentence “Raquel and I …..” or what Raquel has done to improve efficiency and outcomes within A4. We have a daily operational meeting and her contribution to problem solving and a ‘can do’ mentality has been noticed by all within the division in a very short time in post, she also now contributes to the late duty roster and covers the division beyond working hours.
I recommend them to share the award, as they share their lives, professional and domestic together but never selfishly as they use their combined energy to assist all.