Nichole Walker
January 2019
Critical Care Unit
Parkwest Medical Center
United States




On Friday, I received the worst news. My mother, an inpatient at Parkwest, was being sent to the CCU and going to be intubated. As my family gathered trying to grasp the reality that this was the end of my mother's 16 year battle with renal failure, no one kept us informed except briefly for 30 minutes every few hours we would try to pull information from the staff on her care.
Things were horrible, no reasons given, no hope offered. Then on Monday, an RN named Nichole came on shift, with a big bright smile that radiated hope, care, and love of her patients. She gave us answers and showed determination in helping our mother come back to us by adjusting meds as needed and checking O2 levels, and talking to my mother as if she were her own. Nichole, concerned about my dad, gave a direct number to the CCU nurse's station and advised if he went home to sleep he could wake up and call any time to check on her. My parents married for 53 years and him telling his 4 granddaughters, "I'm not ready to lose her." This brave, dedicated, caring nurse showed compassion, worry, dedication, and true shoulder for support for our family.
My mother shows great improvement with her around and I know my mother would love her bright smile and friendly face if she could stay awake and talk to her awhile. As a medical assistant at a primary care facility, I see someone who does not look at this as a job, but does her job out of love and purpose, "God's purpose." I hereby nominate Nichole Walker for her extraordinary nursing as she has been the angel that my family has needed during this dark time.