Trish Wagman
October 2019
Carroll Hospital
United States




There was a situation on 3S yesterday that Trisha went above and beyond with. The young lady who needed the specialty shoes before discharge (that no one else had picked up on because it wasn't written in an order and/or in her discharge information) but the patient told Trish about needing the shoes. When following up about them, we discovered a lot of barriers and difficulty in locating the shoes and then the patient being able to afford them. After a lot of work and time, Trish offered to order the shoes with her own credit card and have the shoes delivered to the patient's home. Now, this morning, I did hear back that Trish will be reimbursed from the Patient Assistance Fund but Trish had no idea she would be reimbursed. She offered to pay for them out of the kindness of her heart. This patient is a frequent admission here and Trish knew that if the patient left without a firm plan in place that the patient would not get the shoes and would probably be readmitted with non-healing wounds.
Note: This is Trish's 2nd DAISY Award!