September 2015
Baptist Hospital of Miami
United States




A PATIENT'S PERSPECTIVE: "I believe Peggy Bullard should be honored with the DAISY Award because she is not only an exemplar employee at Baptist Hospital, she is also "my wonderful nurse". When I was first diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2014, she was the first nurse that took care of me. From the beginning, she drew me in not only with her big beautiful blue eyes, but also with her groomed bedside manners, politeness and genuine concern, and willingness to go far-and-beyond to make sure my needs were taken care of. This attitude made me feel like I had known her for years and made it easier for me to open up quickly to her, a behavior that is typical of me. In addition to her greatness, I also found out we share the same birthday. Sharing a birthdate made her even more special and made our nurse-patient relationship even more meaningful and special. Peggy is a memorable nurse and she stands out the most to me. I love the fact that she is so outgoing, hyper and that even when her days are hectic she shows me that I am never forgotten. I call her "Auntie Peggy" because I do not only look at her as my nurse; she has become family to me because she made me feel welcome when I most needed support and attention. Auntie Peggy does not look at color; she builds these wonderful bonds with all her patients. I esteem her as a beautiful human-being with a strong work ethic. She is a great catch and I am always blessed to have her as my nurse over and over again.I just love her to death!

A COMRADE'S PERSPECTIVE: Peggy is a coworker that I consider to be not only a best friend at work, but also our big sister. She is that big sister that always volunteers to help you out of a messy assignment; she is the one that cleans up the frowns from our faces and brings back our smiles, and she is that cool sister whose attitude just makes things look brighter and better. Personally knowing that she is next to my pod at work makes my day, because I know we have each others back till the end of the day. I compare her help to that of a sister, because she is loyal to being a team player, yet she does it with all her heart. Peggy makes herself available to us when she is busy and when she has spare time. She is in tune with the unit, therefore she can figure out who is in need of help and comes out quickly to the rescue. You will often note that she helps us with schedule switches and she comes at the last minute when we are in dire need. You would probably think this lady has nothing else to do, however she is the wonderful mother of three young lads that she has raised with utmost devotion and that makes her so proud. Peggy is well loved among her patients too. Recently I cared for a young female African American leukemic patient that shared her life with me a few times I got to converse with her. She talked dearly of her Auntie Peggy and I was curious to know who she was. It was not until a couple encounters later that I was able to figure out that her Auntie Peggy was not a blood-auntie, but our Peggy, the colleague and companion that often saves our days by being there for us with a hand and a smile. She is just out of this world!

A MANAGER'S PERSPECTIVE: Peggy has been an oncology nurse since 2008, when she graduated from college. Her original specialty practice has proven to be a great fit for her, as she embodies all the qualities of an oncology practitioner: a big heart, a smart mind, mature interpersonal skills, and a love of teamwork. She defines patient satisfaction. Peggy has written bereavement cards to families who have lost loved ones. She is always at staff meetings and is a member of shared governance. She is the first one to donate PTO to a coworker in need. Peggy connects with patients in a unique way. Often patients and or families are labeled "difficult". Peggy doesn't hesitate to give herself to these challenges by engaging these patients in such a way as to elicit, what their hopes, fears,and favorite things might be. She will always be found at the bedside, sitting down and listening, educating or empathizing. Then she sometimes brings them a small surprise- a sweet treat, a magazine, a DVD, etc, to help them disconnect from their stress, "just for a few moments". When rounding on Peggy's patients I always hear of her holistic approach-her focus, kindness, and genuine concern.