Regie Legaspi
July 2015
St. Luke's Medical Center Global City
Global City Taguig City




I just finished taking brunch at 5th floor cafeteria and went to the restroom after the MRCP procedure at MRI Unit. On my way out from the restroom, I felt dizzy and confused. I saw Abby entering, asked her where I was. A few minutes after, I saw a guy turned out to be Biggs talking to me asking if I had a companion. Since I was alone he asked if we could contact any relative of mine. Fortunately, I was able to input the correct password and dial my husband cellphone number. I fully entrusted my phone to Biggs so he can talk to my husband I snapped out again and when I was in my senses I was already on the ER bed. Looking back I can only say thank you very much first and foremost to GOD for not allowing me to have a life-changing damage on my brain. Second, my deepest gratitude and appreciation to things Abby and Biggs did, for taking some time to help someone like me, taking time to assist and bring me to the ER. Luckily Biggs was with Neurosciences so he knew what I was going through. If a single second had been wasted at such a critical time, I couldn't have been doing a story of passion and love for patients as this one, DAISY Award for nurses. SLMC staff are truly world-class! SLMC-IT is up to its, "Love for life" and "The needs of their patients come first". Thank you!

Abby is Abegail Persigan
Biggs is Regie Legaspi