January 2011
Atrium Health Cabarrus
United States




This nominee always goes above and beyond ~ She is recognized and known throughout the organization for her skills and ability to care for the sickest of the sick. She truly saves lives; advocates for patients; supports dignified deaths; makes a difference every second she is on duty.
However, this nomination is to recognize her for how she represents CMC-NE, MSICU/IMC, and the nursing profession even when she is “off duty”. This nominee is a nurse’s nurse – nursing is at her core – caring is what she does – whether at work or not. Two recent examples to demonstrate that are:
1. Wife of a patient and this nurse developed a rapport. Patient was critically ill in the MSICU/IMC – from mountains – in Concord when illness required admitting to CMC-NE. Nominee found out that since patient was so sick – wife didn’t/couldn’t leave to go home to the mountains to get more clothes. Nominee found out that the wife was going to Wal-Mart and just buying new changes of clothes. Nominee offered to take home the wife’s clothes to launder to save the wife money, time and give her peace of mind to be where she needed to be – with her husband.
2. Nominee was recently a customer inside Wal-Mart on her personal time off. This nominee “happened upon” another shopper and noticed that fellow shopper seemed as if something was wrong. She approached the lady – indeed the lady was experiencing chest pains and other cardiac related symptoms. Nominee got help for her – stayed with her until the 911 ambulance came and took her to the hospital. Perhaps this is what any nurse would do; I believe this Wal-Mart shopper was drawn to this nurse – she looks like a nurse; acts like a nurse; is comfortable and takes charge in a crisis. They found each other!