December 2013
Admission Suite/ER
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital
United States




Bobby always goes above and beyond. His sense of humor and caring attitude always make the patients, families, and staff feel at ease. There have been numerous times Bobby has been there to assist others but on 2 seperate occasions he went way above to help us in IV Therapy.

The first occasion the pediatrician sent an extremely ill 4yo for hydration. This is primarily and adult hematology/chemo unit. Bobby came to our rescue and not only got the IV, but took the time to sit with the child and mother. This was very comforting to them and extremely helpful to the nervous staff. When the child left several hours later, she was sitting up, talking and laughing.

Several weeks later this same physician sent a 6mo infant for hydration. Again Bobby came to assist. He spent at least 1 1/2-2 hours in our department helping us and even staying to assist the special procecure nurse when they had to use ultrasound to guide the IV. This family was so comforted by his calm, caring demenor and smile. I truly feel that Bobby made a huge impact on both of these families. His ia tremendous asset to MHSE and deserves to be recognized for his outstanding abilities.