Sara Zesati
September 2013
Pennsylvania Hospital
United States




Yesterday I got report from Sara Zesati at the bedside on room 640 B. She is HOH and legally blind. Sara was introducing me to her as her next nurse. The patient put her hand out for Sara and Sara sat on the bed and held her hand. The patient told Sara, 'tell her to treat me like you did' and really did not want a new nurse. Sara gave report and held her hand while the patient stared into Sara's direction. They informed they had formed a special bond. Even after report was done and I left, Sara continued to stay at her bedside to reassure her it would be OK. After report I went to her and asked what can I do to treat you like Sara did. She said "I can not see or hear very well she made me feel special, safe, and well cared for". Throughout the day whenever I would care for her she always said "remember, do it like Sara". I drew blood from her and she noticed it did not hurt, she exclaimed and patted my hand, "thanks just like Sara". She was discharged this day and wanted me to thank Sara for her care and for making her feel so special.