Sarah Soucy
January 2017
Labor and Delivery
Good Samaritan Hospital (San Jose)
San Jose
United States




My labor and delivery of my son was incredibly emotional and difficult for me from the start. I was in labor for nearly 5 hours without knowing it and had painful back labor. I had hoped for a natural, drug-free delivery, but that wasn't to be. I ended up with an emergency C-section. I struggled with guilt and doubt from the moment I accepted the epidural and when I consented to the C-section. I was an emotional wreck. Not only did Sarah spend a ton of time comforting me, validating me and simply listening, she also stayed late to meet my son. Sarah's kindness and compassion during one of my worst hours meant so much to me. Her willingness to talk to me as a human-being, rather than a patient and to discuss my options are acts of kindness that I cannot repay. I hope she is recognized for her dedication, skill and positive attitude.