Soyini Kojo
November 2018
UF Health - Shands
United States




I'd like to recognize Soyini Kojo, Unit 94 IMC RN for a caring story I believe needs to be recognized. Unit 94 doesn't usually get OB patients, and no one ever really wants to be admitted to an IMC. RN Soyini "Soy" Kojo was responsible for one today, though. A new mama was severely pre-eclamptic and delivered her baby via urgent C-Section at 33 weeks. Baby Boy was taken to NICU III and Mama developed respiratory distress, prompting her need to come to 94 for monitoring and treatment. Mama and Dad were understandably sad, missing out on their son's first days. Soy worked hard all day to improve the new mother's oxygen status to a place where it would be safe to travel off the unit for a visit with the baby. By early afternoon, Mama was down to a nasal cannula, and her vital signs were stable. Soy called down to the NICU and arranged for a time for the new family to visit and bond with their new baby. Soy reports the baby fell asleep on Mama's chest, and dad got several great pictures. "Soy really made this stay perfect for us", said the dad, "she kept us in the loop and never let us get down. She worked so hard even though I knew she was too busy to really leave for so long."
Soy is a new nurse, not even done with her orientation. I'm so pleased to see the new generation of nurses is just as dedicated to caring and going above and beyond.