Steve Galli
April 2014
Hauenstein 2
Mercy Health Saint Mary's
Grand Rapids
United States




...Steve had a patient who was really struggling and the one thing that seemed to help his wife get through it was her faith. When his wife had pinned a rosary to her husband's hospital gown, he seemed to make a turn around. After the patient was given a bath, the wife was very upset to realize the rosary was gone. Any nurse knows how easy it would be to accidentally lose track of an item that's pinned to a patient gown! Steve suspected it was in the dirty linen bag. Knowing how much meaning this object had to the patient and his wife, Steve donned an isolation gown and gloves and searched through every single dirty linen bag in the dirty utility room. He found the rosary at the bottom of the last bag! His colleagues say this is very typical of Steve and that he truly lives out patient-centered care every day.