Teresa Simmons
May 2019
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals
United States




Lately, I have witnessed Teresa communicating effectively with several Hispanic patients. I asked, "Do you speak fluent Spanish?" She replied, "I speak enough to get by. I always tell the Hispanic patients that I only speak a little Spanish." Well, the little that she speaks is actually far from little. I see the comfort in her patient's eyes knowing that she can communicate with ease in Spanish. She works tirelessly to meets their needs and they are thrilled to be able to communicate their needs. I know this puts them at ease and they are always extremely thankful.
Just tonight, a Hispanic gentleman took her hand and wanted to kiss it because she translated that he wanted the night light placed on because he didn't want to be in the dark. This compassion is seen day by day as Teresa gives 110% at every patient contact. She is an outstanding role model. Gracias, Teresa!